Notes From Space:

By Jerry Kranitz

From Aural Innovations #19 (April 2002)

Welcome to issue #19 of Aural Innovations. Life has been busy but exciting this year. I've been working to expand our staff of reviewers these past months and have been blessed to continue to get dedicated music fans who are willing to volunteer their time to keep this publication going. The amount of review music I'm receiving is indeed a flood so I'll be continuing to beef up the staff. AND... my log files get bigger and bigger each month so we seem to be gaining readers and radio show listeners steadily as well. If you like Aural Innovations and feel that what we're doing here is worthwhile, then PLEASE tell anyone you think might be interested. Post to lists and newsgroups you're a member of, if you have a subject relevant web site then contact me about trading links, anything to help get the word out. Myself and everyone involved work really hard and we want as many music fans as possible to benefit from our efforts. Any help our dear readers can be is most appreciated.

Also, I never mention the mail order catalog here but I'm going to do so now. Aural Innovations has a small mail order catalog that, for the most part, focuses on music I feel deserves to be heard but has little distribution. So if you've never taken a look, or haven't been there lately, take a peak at:

This isn't a plea to help us raise funds because the only money I make from sales goes back into adding new artists to the catalog. That's right... I just do it for the pleasure of getting music out to eager ears that doesn't get the attention it deserves from more established distros. Many of them are homemade releases. CDR's made at home by the artists that larger distros are reluctant to carry. And I'll be damned if I know why because - and I don't care what anyone says - they're just as good as a manufactured CD. So don't be scared. Take the plunge because we carry some excellent tunes.

Alright. Enough of my babbling. You've got a lot of reading ahead of you. But before you do, please take note of the passionate music lovers who contributed to this issue:

Jeff Fitzgerald
Chuck Rosenberg
Keith Henderson
Scott Heller
Rashad Salahuddin
Roger Neville-Neil
Albert Pollard
Frank Gingeleit
Brian Faulkner
Diana Slampyak
Ian Compton

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